Our next Flip-it series will be a group of six snowmen, tentatively called "6 FAT MEN". The series will have 6 different little leaflets, each with a unique shape and design, and a snowflake button. But...here's the FUN part...all 6 designs will fit together in a sort of winter puzzle. We'll supply a few FREE elements to fill the empty spaces in the snowy puzzle.

My desk is a little messier and scarier than usual as I'm stitching on ALL 6 models at once. Why do I stitch my own models? Why do I work on them all at once? I have to choose a color palette and use it consistently throughout all the designs. I want all 6 chubby snowmen to look great by themselves (for their closeups!), but also to fit nicely in the bigger snowy puzzle. I jump from design to design, filling in elements I'm sure about, delaying stitching the areas I'm unsure of for color selection. I've finished 3 designs (should finish the 4th later tonight) and hope to do the other two over the holiday weekend.
I wasn't completely satisfied with the last 2 designs, so I've been busy this afternoon tweaking and changing them. I designed everything a few weeks ago, but sometimes it's best to let things sit a bit, and then suddenly you have more ideas and different solutions to design problems.
Meanwhile, I'm listening to books on CD during the intense model stitching process. The current one is "Left Neglected" by Lisa Genova, and it's wonderful and interesting, and yes, even educational!
Wishing a fabulous 4th holiday to all...and plenty of time for your recreational stitching!