Below are the boxes fresh from the printer...actually printerS (plural). We use one printer to do the black/white stuff on the left, and we selected a couple new colors of the pretty parchment paper. Another local printer does the color cover work for us, in the box on the right.
Those boxes may not look intimidating, but it was a BUSY weekend getting them collated, assembled and sacked into the beautiful bins you see in the pic below...and that wasn't everything. In order to beat monotony, we set up tables in our family room and watched some movies.
Has anyone seen the Hatfields and McCoy's mini-series on the History channel? That's one of the things we watched while we were sacking.'s a wonder anyone lived to tell the story with all those gun-toting guys. Who knew the whole thing started over a pig?! Kevin Costner starred in the series, and even though he was really grizzly and a hillbilly to boot, he made the sacking go a little smoother and put a smile on my face.

Alan put Part 3 into big boxes and the always friendly UPS guy had to use his dolly for this shipment. We ran out of sacks (oops) and had to finish shipping on the following 2 days.'s a genuine needlework emergency when you run out of 6" x 9" sacks. Thank goodness for overnight shipping!
If you're waiting for Part 3 to complete your Very Scary Sampler, or just waiting to see Part 3 before you begin, just hang on a little longer! It's COMING!!!