Saturday, July 28, 2012
And the frosty winner is...
Thanks to all of you who voted, and special thanks to all who entered fun, creative names for these blustery snowbabes. We truly enjoyed reading ALL of the contest entries!
With over a thousand voted tallied, the name "Snow Belles" won by a landslide...or should we say "avalanche"?! I'm glad you all decided this one for us, because we definitely couldn't make up our minds.
We're out of town today, so pardon the brief early morning post. I promised I would announce the winner today, but writing at 5:30 AM, I'm keeping it short! Happy Weekend!
Monday, July 23, 2012
You girls
ROCK! I asked you to submit names for
the new Snow Girl Flip-it series, and you buried me in awesome “snowy”
names! What a fluffy, chilly, drifty, wintry, frosty, sassy, fluffabulous,
glacial, shivery, bodacious bunch of suggestions! I’m so glad I asked for your help because you
all thought of the “coolest” ideas, stuff I would never have considered.
As the
entries poured in, I was:
*thrilled and
grateful for your participation
*amazed at
your creativity
*worried how
I would ever narrow the list to the top 5!
Before I list
the options we selected, with the help of some kind friends, let me share a few
of the fun ideas (just in case you don’t have time to read all 185+ comments,
which I did…THREE times!).
There were “royal”
ideas….N’ice Princesses, N’ice Queens, Snow Whites, Snow Princesses, Crystal
Queens and Snow Whites (she seems like royalty to me)
Some groovy
names that sound like “female singing groups”…Frostettes, Snowettes,
Snowelles (cue the music to Walking in a Winter Wonderland!)
I’m calling
this category the “Suggestive” snowgirl names…Showgirl Snowgirls, Sultry
Snowbabes, Frozen Hotties, Snowmates of the 6 Fat Men (true!), Snow Divas, Ice
Hotties, Desperate Snowwomen, Snow Dolls, Melting Madams, Sexy Snow Sisters,
Snow Harem (is it getting hot in here?)
And while we’re
talking about feminine assets, these “curvaceous” names cracked me up…Stacked
Sisters, Triple F Women, Blizzard Bosom Buddies, Plump Maids of Snow (PMS), Chunky
Chicks, Full Figured Lasses, Curvy Snowwomen, Stout Snowgirls, Plus Size
Snowgals and Bouncing Bountiful Beauties!
And to add a
little “class” to this contest, some “French” names…6 Beautes des
Neiges, Snow Beautes and Snow MaDames (ooooolala…love all of you blog readers
from outside the US!)
I mustn’t
forget a few “funny” names that made us laugh over and over…Frigid Femmes,
Not a Snowbelles Chance in Hail, and (submitted by a blog reader’s husband) 6
What No Balls? Belles! Now that’s a devoted husband who participates in the L*K
blog contest!
If your name
wasn’t listed above, don’t despair! We read and appreciated every entry. A few
of the names seemed like great “slogans or catchphrases”, so you may see
them again…Sugar and spice and everything ice, Snow Girls just wanna have fun,
sNo gals like Snow gals and Snowy Gang of Chill-ville!

Alas, it's time to move to Part 1 on the contest, because we're busy in pre-publishing production and we NEED A NAME! We gotta get these freezing gals printed before they melt, and before the 6 Fat Men give up on companions!
To vote, just
click on the survey below. Voting will begin today and conclude on Friday, July
27, 11:59 PM Central Time. Please, one vote per email address only. Winner will be announced Saturday, July 28 on this blog.
Be a jolly,
happy soul and VOTE today!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Part 2 - another "missing" mystery?!
Our summer of mystery continues...and we seem to be encountering "mysterious disappearances"...once AGAIN! Remember last month when we shipped our giant boxes of Part 1 to our distributor, and one box arrived mysteriously half empty and 20 pounds lighter than when it left our office? Well, we blamed that one on UPS. (Evidently they agreed with us, because they are paying our claim - next time we insure for more $$.)
BUT THIS TIME....embarassingly enough...we have no one to blame but ourselves for this shocking disappearance. I'm sitting in my office this morning, happily contemplating this blog post, shooting a few appropriate pics, when I decide to photograph the freebie from Very Scary Part 2. That's when I (all in rapid succession) take a huge gulp of air, utter a naughty word, and nearly faint from shock. I (we) totally forgot to include the FREEBIE pattern with all the Part 2 patterns we've been shipping the past 3 days.
The cover is there (check it our above), the pattern for Part 2 is there (yes!), there's no color key or stitch guide (those were included with Part 1 and you all kept them!), but the promised freebie is AWOL....yikes!!!
Thankfully, we shipped Norden a few days early (inappropriate pat on back), so there is time to solve this mystery and avert this cross stitch emergency. We're printing the freebie today, delivering to UPS to ship late this afternoon. Here's the sad part, though. Now the busy gang at Norden gets to insert all of those freebies - now that's a SCARY job!
And we should know it's a big job...we just sacked them the first time! Our faithful helper Carmen (who was planning to work extra this week to prepare the shipment) got stranded with her son's soccer team at an out-of-state tournament, when a relative became ill. She couldn't make it back to Kansas, so we popped a few movies in the DVR and turned out family room into assembly central. (That Bourne trilogy really makes you work fast!)
The cover is there (check it our above), the pattern for Part 2 is there (yes!), there's no color key or stitch guide (those were included with Part 1 and you all kept them!), but the promised freebie is AWOL....yikes!!!
Thankfully, we shipped Norden a few days early (inappropriate pat on back), so there is time to solve this mystery and avert this cross stitch emergency. We're printing the freebie today, delivering to UPS to ship late this afternoon. Here's the sad part, though. Now the busy gang at Norden gets to insert all of those freebies - now that's a SCARY job!
And we should know it's a big job...we just sacked them the first time! Our faithful helper Carmen (who was planning to work extra this week to prepare the shipment) got stranded with her son's soccer team at an out-of-state tournament, when a relative became ill. She couldn't make it back to Kansas, so we popped a few movies in the DVR and turned out family room into assembly central. (That Bourne trilogy really makes you work fast!)

Here's a pic of the much-discussed SPOOKY freebie chart, stitched on that beautiful carrot linen from our friends at Weeks Dye Works. We put it in a groovy black frame from East Side Mouldings, but there's a zillion scary ways to finish this one!
Ah...the joys of owning your own business...never a dull moment, because they just keep coming. We truly appreciate your business, and thanks for playing along with all the craziness! I think I feel a strong chocolate craving coming on....
Monday, July 16, 2012
My fowl, bonvine and porcine friends!
We did it again! We braved 100 degree temps to visit the county fair! Hey, what's a fair without stiflying temps and the accompanying odors?!
We made the most important stop first and ate at the Cheney Methodist Church kitchen! There's no AC, but the giant water cooler (extra points to those who know what this is!) and fans kept the air moving. And nothing was getting in the way of us getting our chicken and noodles, taco salad, watermelon and PIE!!
Even on the last evening of the fair, those talented cooks had 12 kinds of pie for us to select. What a difficult choice, but my friend Marlys was really happy with her coconut meringue!
Then on to the animal barns where we admired the award winning cows. Several of my fellow fair-goers were 4Hers in their childhood, so they told wonderful (and sometimes terrifying) stories of showing their cows. Marlys loves to tell about her artful cow tail styling...yes, they rat and coiff the cow tails. Imagine sitting at the rear end of a giant cow practicing your hairstyle techniques!
This goat was super motivated to get to his neighbor's hay. Check out the goat babies laying side by side on the ground below.
It was so hot that evening, the poor pigs were in distress. Lots were wearing the latest fair fashions - water soaked towels. Every farm kid knows that pigs can't sweat! As we walked through the hog barn, I kept thinking about that famous pig "Arnold" from the Green Acres TV show. Boy, Arnold never squealed as loud as some of these 4H pigs!
Speaking of cosmetology, wonder how long this chicken worked on her hairdo? This brings to mind one of my favorite songs from Grease..."Beauty School Dropout"!
Finally, we whizzed through the project barns, but a whole table full of SNOW people caught my eye! I'm not sure what the assignment was, but there were a bunch of wooden snow people. And this little gal was a snow LADY! Hmmmm...maybe she heard about our upcoming snow girl designs. Love her little braids!
Several bottles of water later, we headed for the cars and the trip back to civilization...I mean, town. Walking to the cars, we passed the outside grandstand show, which was absolutely packed. We couldn't believe our was a combine demolition derby. Helmet wearing cowboys were maneuvering their modified combines deftly around the arena, playing bumper combines! And clearly, everyone who paid to get in (not us!) was having a great, sweaty time!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Name the Snow Gals CONTEST!!
I've been working like CRAZY on the next set of Flip-its these past two weeks. I finished the designs on the computer last week and settled in for some serious model stitching this week. My ambitious goal was to stitch one design every day, and (surprisingly) I'm almost on target. The fact that my upper back is in a total kink and my neck almost unable to turn will testify to this extreme productivity. Why does doing something I love (stitching long hours) make my neck so UNhappy?!'s totally worth it! I have 6 little Flip-it snow GALS mostly finished, and I'm off to my LNS today to pick out some frames. By the time the frames arrive, I'll have the stitching finished and the buttons attached.
Below you can see the last (and least finished) model I'm stitching. The color palette is the same as last year's 6 Fat Men, so the guys and gals will coordinate!
How to Enter: Leave a comment on this page and tell us your name for the set of 6 snow girl "Flip-its". Your name should tell us (somehow) that they are snow WOMEN, not snow MEN. The "6" is optional to include in the name.
Required: You MUST include your email address in the comment form. I'll need it to contact you should you win.
Deadline to submit names: Sunday, July 22 at 11:59 PM Central Time
The Fine Print: No purchase necessary to enter. All entries received after the giveaway closing day and time will not be considered. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to confirm receipt of the email. Giveaways will be mailed to the winners' homes.'s totally worth it! I have 6 little Flip-it snow GALS mostly finished, and I'm off to my LNS today to pick out some frames. By the time the frames arrive, I'll have the stitching finished and the buttons attached.
Below you can see the last (and least finished) model I'm stitching. The color palette is the same as last year's 6 Fat Men, so the guys and gals will coordinate!

There's just one problem looming in the near future of this snow Flip-it series. What to call it? That's where I need your help! My husband and I threw around a bunch of name ideas and on my previous post I referred to them as the "6 Fluffy Gals". We've had lots of other possible names...6 Flaky Girls, 6 Flaky Fems, 6 etc., etc. The only I know for sure...they will NOT be called "6 Fat Women". As in "Does this snow make me look fat?"
Here's what we're going to do...the next week (until Sunday, July 22) you can submit your favorite names. Multiple names may be included. We'll choose our 5 favorites (with help from our friends) and post those to the L*K blog. Then for the next week or so, you can VOTE for your favorite snowy title! We'll give prizes to everyone who makes the "top 5" list and more goodies to the big winner!
Complete set of 6 new snow girl Flip-its & other surprise L*K goodies
How to Enter: Leave a comment on this page and tell us your name for the set of 6 snow girl "Flip-its". Your name should tell us (somehow) that they are snow WOMEN, not snow MEN. The "6" is optional to include in the name.
Required: You MUST include your email address in the comment form. I'll need it to contact you should you win.
Deadline to submit names: Sunday, July 22 at 11:59 PM Central Time
The Fine Print: No purchase necessary to enter. All entries received after the giveaway closing day and time will not be considered. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to confirm receipt of the email. Giveaways will be mailed to the winners' homes.
Friday, July 6, 2012
SNOW on my mind!
It's over 100 degrees...ALL WEEK! So what to do? THINK SNOW!!!
My desk is covered with snow sayings, snowy sketches and I'm even listening to snowy music. I'm doing more than escaping the heat...I'm busy designing the next Flip-it series, which has a SNOW theme.
Last year I did the 6 Fat Men Flip-its and those chubby guys were popular. They're still going strong - just ordered more snowflake charms this week. But now it's the GIRL'S turn! This year's group of 6 weight-challenged snow ladies will (tentatively) be called "6 Fluffy Gals".
I'm having a "ball" working on the flaky ladies. How do you tell a snow girl from a snowman? It's all about the accessories. That brings to mind a great saying from one of my favorite movies "Steel Magnolias". The Clairee character (played by Olympia Dukakis) quips "the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize!".
My desk is covered with snow sayings, snowy sketches and I'm even listening to snowy music. I'm doing more than escaping the heat...I'm busy designing the next Flip-it series, which has a SNOW theme.
Last year I did the 6 Fat Men Flip-its and those chubby guys were popular. They're still going strong - just ordered more snowflake charms this week. But now it's the GIRL'S turn! This year's group of 6 weight-challenged snow ladies will (tentatively) be called "6 Fluffy Gals".

Amidst a crazy pile of sketches, 6 designs are slowly emerging on the computer. I'm using the same color palette as last year's SNOW series, so they will coordinate! The designs will all work separately, or you can combine them using some FREE motifs to link them together.
Whatever the weather outside...these SNOW gals just wanna have fun!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Very Scary Part One!!!
Finally, the MYSTERY begins to unfold! Part 1 shipped to shops everywhere last week, and if your local needlework shop doesn't have it yet, be will "mysteriously" arrive soon! Here's the cover below.
Part 1 includes the pattern for the top part of the whole sampler, thread guide, and detailed specialty stitch guide. Be sure to keep the thread and stitch guides, because they won't be repeated in Parts 2 and 3. At the bottom part of Part 1, there is a little boxed section that will be repeated in Part 2, so you can hook everything together - really easy!
All 3 parts of the Very Scary Mystery Sampler also include a BONUS design. Here's a little pic of the Haunted bonus (included with Part 1). Our finisher Mona made a darling spooky pillow, layered in some WDW wool, and finished it all off with a bow. We'll be sponsoring a "Bonus Design Finishing Contest" later on this blog, so get your creative juices flowing.
Stay tuned for our next post...I'm sensing some explosive photos, because we have lots of July 4th activities planned. HAPPY JULY 4th, everyone!

What? NO PHOTO of the finished stitchery? Of course not...that's the MYSTERY part! Just a little teaser photo of this first portion of the 3-part sampler to keep the mystery (and your needles) going!

Stay tuned for our next post...I'm sensing some explosive photos, because we have lots of July 4th activities planned. HAPPY JULY 4th, everyone!
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