Monday, February 7, 2011

Party, party, recover...

Every year we watch the Super Bowl with 40-50 of our best friends from church. It's a multi-screen, commercial-crazy, food fest event!  My favorite part is the snack table - I LOVE TO SNACK!  I have hardly ever met a snack I don't like...salty, sweet, crunchy, dippy, whatever...I love to munch!  And it's fun to watch the game/commercials with a large group and hear the oohs and aahs on a large scale

So where do we go after the big game night?  We waddle to the gym for spin class the next morning!  Alan and I try to attend cycle classes a couple times a week during the winter.  We exercise in the morning with the mommy/retirement crowd. None of us look too spiffy (the gang wasn't all that excited to see my camera), but it's a fun group and a great start to a busy Monday morning!  That's me in the blue shirt and my friend Connie (hostess for our Super party last night) in green shirt on the far right side.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun - actually both pictures.

    But, it sure doesn't look like you like to snack.
