Where do you do your stitching? I stitch ALL of my own original models, so I'm always stitching a new design, or two. I do a LOT of stitching in my office at my desk...with everything spread all around me, my extra-large computer monitor beside me with the ever-evolving design, and general chaos as I stitch, take out, re-stitch, change again, etc.!
But I also do a lot of stitching in my house in the evenings, while I watch a movie or TV. I have this semi-efficient system of keeping current projects in baskets and carting them back and forth. I frequently leave something important in the wrong location, but generally it works. Above is a pic of my comfy stitching chair with little ottoman in front. I always stitch with my feet UP!
Notice the scary big light with magnifier. When new guests come over, I usually roll this monster into the adjoining room, or try to answer their baffled inquiries! Otherwise, it's always right over my shoulder. I should note that my stitching chair is wearing it's summer linen "dress". When fall comes, I'll remove the linen slipcover and let the cozy chenille upholstery keep me and my needle warm.
So what's on that cluttered TV tray next to my chair? Below are the usual contents...

*Glass of water - always!
*Napkin - in case that water gets away - or to catch crumbs because I'm usually snacking.
*My favorite very-pointy scissors - I do lots of stitch REMOVAL - 2 pairs are better than one! The 2 current fobs are both recent gifts from stitchers - what a treat!
*Needles in an (unattractive) plastic container with lid - a couple hundred or more! Is that too many?
*Pincushion where I keep needles threaded and ready to go - or park needles with enough thread remaining to use later. I bought a darling pin cushion from JABC and just haven't found the time to assemble it. Someday it will look stunning on my TV tray!
*Pen - for making changes and notes on charts as I stitch. I can make changes on the computer later.
*Clip with current thread holders clamped together. Those little paper tags that come with the over-dyed threads have a way of getting lost, so I clip them together while I'm working on a project. The Vera Bradley clamps are cute and make this job prettier! Just in case I forget to record a color, it's there in my clip!
*Most important - the current PROJECT basket. Inside are color stitching charts printed from my design software. I usually have a printout of the entire project, along with printouts of enlarged areas for easy viewing. Also in the basket are threads and the project in progress! The project you see will be the Winter Alphabet. It's all graphed and I'm having a really hard time making final color selections...lots of exercise for the pointy scissors in this model! But I think I'm finally satisfied with the colors (except for that one green that I might still change!).
So here's the GIVEAWAY!
10 Lizzie*Kate slime-lime calculators!
How to Enter: Leave a comment on this page telling us something about your favorite stitch niche...where it is, your favorite stitching aid/tool, whatever!
Required: You must include your email address in the comment form. I will
need it to contact you should you win.
Deadline: August 31, 2011 at 11:59pm Central Time
The Fine Print: No purchase necessary to enter. One entry per person.
Winner will be selected at random by Lizzie*Kate using Random.org. All
entries received after the giveaway closing day and time will not be considered.
Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to confirm
receipt of the email. If the winners do not reply within 48 hours, another
winner(s) will be selected. Giveaways will be mailed to the winners' address
Even though my daughter Ali tells me that calculators are no longer popular (or necessary!), they are still popular at L*K. We keep them on our desks and the shipping table, and they're very popular prizes when we attend special stitching events! So...to show Ali that calculators are, indeed, not EXTINCT, please enter our VERY FIRST giveaway!
Ooh I'm the first to comment! My stitching place is in the corner of the sofa, with my daylight lamp behind me (my lamp is my essential item. I also have my pattern, needles,scissors, thread etc, and last but not least the TV remote.
ReplyDeleteLove the sneak peek of Winter Alphabet, my house is going to be full of snowmen this winter, I'm just waiting for my 6 Fat Men and supplies to come through the post!
I just realised on my previous comment that I didn't leave my e-mail address. It's mward07@btinternet.com. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI think the calculator is cute and I totally still use one (maybe because I'm a nerdy accountant :o). Anyways, I love to stitch in our family room. Last year, I bought a chair & a half with an ottoman. Lots of room - my little ones often like to sit with me while I stitch. My favorite, must have gadget, is an Ott-Lite Floor Lamp. I just can't see linen to stitch without it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!!
My favorite stitching niche is to sit in my dinning room (joins the living area) in a chair next to the window. My 2 year old has learned about baseball and has me pitch between stitches. He also looks over my work and nods his head in approval, so it makes it extra fun. My favorite tool has to be my scissors. I have a pair of kelmscott scissors that save me from the never ending frogging.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance. I do like my calculators.
MY stitching niche is so important to me. I have everything organized and within reach of my la-z-boy, which is facing my tv! I love watching DVDs of TV shows (Especially the Tudors!)
ReplyDeleteOut of everything I own, my favorite stitching "aid" is my Jack Russell Terrier, Emma. She is my constant companion. She always sleeps on the left, and has occasionally been covered in ORTS as we stitch the night away!
my email is mauhikan@gmail.com :)
My stitchy chair has my ott-lite and end table to the left. A little four drawer plastic cabinet thingy on the right. I put a board laying on the drawer thingy and end table. On that I put my pattern holder, floss box, scissors and glass case that I poke my needles in. Works great for me except when I have to get up cause I gotta unload everything.(lol) Please include me in your drawing.
I love your stiching niche. It reminds me of mine. I have a really nice recliner that I just bought last year nothing seemed comfortable to stitch in. I have a lamp on the right side, one of LaDDa's lap desks for my pattern, my favorite scissors, an ort jar and my project bags. Under the table I have a basket that holds some of the projects that I want to stitch. With my chair came this really nice cooler in the arm so I don't need to get up to get a drink they are right there. The best part is my Silky Terrier sits on the foot part while I stitch. cljohnson68@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteMy stitching corner is at the end of the sofa, I have a bookshelf next to it where I dump my stuff ,and a wicker basket in front with charts, mags and thread boxes in and a cop of tea on the mantelpiece , bliss.
I still use a calculator and lime green is one of my favorite colors! My favorite stitching aide is the DaylightR Double Flexiclamp, in fact, I have 2. I stays permanently at my nest at home and the other is in my travel stitching bag to take wherever I go to stitch. One clamp is to hook on to a table of sorts and the other holds your pattern! The piece between is flexible so you can twist and bend it however your want. Love it! My nest is in the corner of my bedroom. I have a wonderful ott-lite and all the necessary tools within arms reach, including the remote for the tv and cd player!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win one of your calculators. Thanks for your generosity.
what a wonderful giveaway ! ! ! I'm found of that kind of calculators!!^^!! and they look so great with your name on them!!!...I'm from France so I hope you will understand me!
ReplyDeleteI usually stitch in my family room, with my 3 daughters around me.........and you know what am I stitching these days???? YOUR 'Autumn Alphabet'! sOOOO great to stitch! I love the colors!!!! Congrats to YOU! and thank you so much for your giveaway, it is like a dream!
Hugs from France, somewhere in the Alps Mountains;o)
I would love to enter your giveaway. My stitching nest is in my bedroom. I call it my oasis. Being the mom of 4 boys I have to get-away to stitch otherwise I make tons of mistakes. My favorite tool is my stitch starter, my magazine basket which holds my projects in rotation and my lap desk. The lap desk keeps everything within reach and I am able to prevent losing my needles, threads and scissors. One other thing that is always in my stitching nest are my furbabies. I have 3 cats who are always close by just incase I need their help. natkoplovsky@aol.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to stitch is in my family room, overlooking my back yard, with my most needed tools, Dazor Lamp, glasses, & a pair of scissors attached to a hand-stitched fob. How nice of you to have a give-away.
ReplyDeleteCarol S
I love watching TV, however I can not do it without something in my hands. Since we just moved I am anxiously awaiting my new oversized chair and ottoman. My husband doesn't know it yet, but my Dazor will be making it's way back into the family room as soon as my chair arrives. He calls it my dental lamp and hates when I have it in the living room :) If only they could make some more fashionable dazors! Gongalski@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stitching spot is in my family room, overlooking my back yard, with my Dazor Lamp, glasses, & one of my many hand-stitched scissor fobs. How nice of you to have a give-away, please include me!
My stitching place is the end of the sofa.
ReplyDeleteI have my Daylight there, then when I'm done, I just push it out of the way.
I also have my current projects in a basket near there. Thanks for the chance!
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteThe progress on Winter Sampler is so adorable!!! My favorite stitching spot is on my loveseat in my personal living room. DH and I have our own LR. His is his computer geeky room, mine is my craft room. Next to my couch are 2 Daylights and a couple of coffee tables. My favorite stitching tool is my Namaste magnetic case. One side has my needles for my current project, the other has my favorite (one of many) pairs of scissors. I love scissors!!!
I'd love to be included in your giveaway.
I have one side of the couch all set up for my stitching corner :o) My parents bought me this super light/table combination at an antique store and I put an Ott-Lite bulb in it. On top holds my chart, needles, scissors and a coaster for a drink. On the shelf below I can store my extra stuff along with my hand cream.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE a LK calculator! I used to have a pair of your boxer shorts and LOVED them :o) Please enter my name and thanks for such a fun giveaway.
chinbit at ns.sympatico.ca
I stitch in the living room in my chair with my ott light. I usually have my favorite scissors at hand but since we got new Kittens in March they think that the scissor fob is the perfect cat toy. Sop I am still adjusting to stitching with them :)
My favorite stitching spot is in my lazy boy chair with my Mighty Bright light/magnifier over my shoulder.
My favorite stitching spot is my living room chair with the Mighty Bright light/magnifier.
My favorite stitching spot has to include my Ott light and, only this year, a pair of readers! I might have to splurge for a lamp that includes a magnifying glass.
ReplyDelete~ Janet
Love your cozy set up. My chair and ottoman are in the guest room since we moved to our little gambrel house in Maine. So I have claimed the right hand end of the couch. On top of my end table there isan old wooden sewing basket to toss tools, udder cream and floss into, my little pottery ort jar, scissor block and the shaker box pin cushion I stitched.The little drawer in the table holds my thread heaven, tape measure, finger nail file for those drafted snaggs and a boo-boo stick.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my shaker pin cushion is my favorite tool, if you will, as I saved my money to buy the shaker sewing basket and pin cushion as a special splurge for my self and stitched the Quaker motif sewing box pattern by Samplers and such. it is special to me.
Left the email off my post. Dplaney13@Juno.com; tried to edit.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stitching spot is in the living room with my Mighty bright light.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you a comfy stitching area! Like you, I love my big comfy chair in front of the T.V.
ReplyDeleteI was lucky to win one of these calculators from the LK Lovers Blog last year so I don't need one but I have to say I use it all of the time to do my fabric calculation! Trust me... any stitcher would love to have one. Please don't enter my name so that another lucky stitcher can have one.
Winter Alphabet is looking good....
I use the corner of the couch and have all my goodies right beside me. I would love to add one of those calculators to my stuff...perfect for figuring the fabric size if I change the thread count or just because I love the color (slime green!!!)
I would love to enter your give-away. I stitch in the family room in my comfy chair with my feet on my ottoman! I love my mighty bright floor magnifier light. love your new snowmen patterns
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in your drawing hun; I have my stitching chair that no one sits in; mainly for fear of dropped needles. LOL
ReplyDeleteHugs, Shar
What a cute calculator! I'd wouldn't mind winning one...
ReplyDeleteI had to look up the word "niche", had never heard it before (though I did understand it in the context). I always stitch with my feet up as you, on the corner of a sofa, watching tv. My side table has A LOT of stuff on it. And I keep losing my scissors :)
Pirjo from Finland
my spot is on the end of the sofa, with all my necessities on my right side, over my left shoulder is my light, cant stitch without that these days or my glasses, also on my left is the puddy cat who always needs to be near, sometimes is not happy to snuggle next to me but tries to get on my knee! not the easiest when stitching lol
My favorite stitching spot is my bed because I stitch and watch tv at the same time, I usually stitch at night because of my work but my stitching things travel with my everyday to my office.
ReplyDeleteSuerte en tus lecciones de español debo decir que amo tus diseños por su colorido y lo fáciles que son.
My stitching nook is at the end of my leather electric reclyning sofa, it is sooooo comfy and I have a light over my shoulder too, I sit with my legs up my stitchy stuff all over the sofa, drinks on my little unit next to me and I am the happiest bunny whenever there.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this lovely opportunity to win your gorgeous little calculator.
oh goodness--- what a comfy looking chair! I have a spot in my (now) bedroom, with a basket full of goodies: scissors,seam ripper, box of straight pins, pin cushion, needles (of 2 or 3 different sizes), a needle threader,small magnifing glass, thread - next to my bed is a floor lamp, and then have a small book reading light if needed, I will be getting my own place here soon,so will have a small dining area to spread my things in. also have my pattern and a few magazines close by.
ReplyDeleteE-Mail: rrpolk97030@yahoo.com
*love the wild calulators
Rhonda P.
What - not necessary? I have one at my computer and on my desk at work... and need one in my stitchy space, don't I? I'd love to be the winner! csogle@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteLove your comfy stitching chair. I use a rocking recliner, rarely rock or recline, but like the width to pull up my feet.
Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite spot is in my recliner with my light behind me and TV in front of me. I have a wicker basket on one side that holds my WIPs and on the other side is an end table with my stitchy stuff(needles,scissors,etc)
ReplyDeleteI would love a LK calculator. THank you for the fun give away.
Happy Stitching
My favorite stitching spot is my front porch. I have two red vintage metal rockers there, with fluffy floral pillows for comfort. I have a vintage red metal table to hold a drink, an indoor/outdoor rug for my feet, and flowers all around for inspiration. I can stitch and watch the hummingbirds and butterflies in the garden...bliss!
I love your stitching niche!
ReplyDeleteMine is in a corner of my family room right next to a window where I can see the butterflies & hummingbirds visiting up close & personal :) I have a oversized Lazy Boy chair and one of the best gifts my DH has given me...a Daylight Lamp with magnifyer. I have an end table on my right where I keep my drink and my stitching box that holds needles & things and a cup cake pin cushion with extra needles & pins in it. On my left is a tray table where I keep my floss on my favorite floss tag which I received in and exchange, my favorite embroidery scissors with a cute fob (which i also received in and exchange) and a magnet with my needle threader on it. Another favorite accessory of mine is my gingerbread girl needleminder.
I LOVE stitching your designs! Thanks so much for your generous giveaway!
Lisa S
My favorite place to stitch is my relined in the living room. I have a table next to my chair to put all my stitching aids and a bag that I can pack them in if I need to take them with me. I love your designs and would love to win a calculator. lmcalhany@hotmail.com.
We have a sectional in the family room and I stitch at the chaise end...my projects sit on the chaise part and I extend my legs (up, of course) on the sofa part. Lighted magnifier over my shoulder, assorted pin chusions, scissors, seam ripper (a must), pencils/erasers/graft paper (I'm a designer as well - The Nebby Needle) and my glass of green tea! The calculator would come in handy to figure out stitch counts!!!
My stitchin' niche is at the end of the sofa. I have a hanging ort bag/pincushion there. My stitching lamp is behind the sofa and shines over my shoulder. I also have a TV tray that holds my "important stuff": a drink, scissors, threads, chart.
ReplyDeletePlease include me in your giveaway!
P.S. I LOVE your stitching chair.
ReplyDeleteWell I have a the corner of the couch and next to it :o) Since I have 4 cats (love the extra fibers :o) and one puppy that love to help stitch. I keep all my little sharp bits (as in scissors and needles) under control with a small tin. I put a decorative magnet on top to hold the current needle. When getting the next thread ready to use. Hum I could go on for a long time but I think I better stop here or it will be to long to post :o)
ReplyDeleteMy favourtie stitching spot is on my recliner lounge. I like you have a little table and lamp beside. I sometimes have to move Clyde the cat out of the chair. Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize.
Happy days.
My favorite spot to stitch would be my loveseat being reclined while watching TV. I have an endtable close by as well that holds my water glass
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stitching aid would be my OTT lamp which is set on top of my lapboard which I keep on my lap to work while stitching. I like light close by to see but I really think I need new glasses.
I would LOVE to win a L*K calculator as I am always checking and double checking the stitch count before cutting fabric for a new project. So a calculator is a necessity when starting a new project.
Keep up the great job designing such FUN charts for us to stitch.
First let me say that I love the way your posts have 'brought' us all in on the process of how you stitch/design/print all of your L*K charts. Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteI love to stitch in what I call my little 'prim' room in a big comfy green chair w/matching ottoman. I have to have my ott lite, my 'snippet' jar and now my 'peepers'(reader glasses) so I can see the smaller count holes as I stitch. :)) I lay all my stuff out on the ottoman, but leave room to put my feet up, LOL. I still use my son's calculator for figuring what size to cut my fabric, and I'm crazy about lime green, so I would love a chance to win! Thanks so much!
Thanks for a great giveaway!!! I desperately need a new calculator,,,I have had the same one for 20 years!! I stitch anywhere!! Usually at the kitchen table with the TV on, or on the couch, I have a basket with my project, scissors with a cute fob!! Pin cushion with lots of needles!!! Just got the fat men...love them!! I am never satisfied..can't wait for the winer alphabet!!
ReplyDeleteEllen S
Those calculators are adorable! I have a big overstuffed recliner in my room where I stitch sometimes and other times I am down in the family room with my big ott light. My favorite stitching accessory is my cute little purple and green accessory bag I found at
ReplyDeleteAnthropologie. It holds my favorite scissors, scissor fob and gold needles. I just need to grab it and one of my latest projeccts and we are good to go.
I sit in a recliner in the corner of our den, dazor floor standing for extra light, and all the accessories needed for stitching..the ones I am working on, those that need to be completed, those that are kitted and ready for future stitching, a pile of snipped threads...great for bird nestings I am told...so I save them.
ReplyDeleteYes, still use a calculator...love yours so please enter me into the contest. Thanks for your great blog...love the details you give as they are always interesting. Have the 3 other seasonal alphabets and the winter looks fun. Will be picking up latest designs at my LNS on Saturday...can't wait!!
Take care, Lorie
My stitching is all done at the end of our living room sofa with my OTT light although my husband WISHES it was in the bedroom...at least then he would get time with the big screen TV. Besides the OTT my scissors are my best friend, They were throw aways from my years in the hospital, still sharp and pointy!
ReplyDeleteAnd a calculator is a must for figuring cross stitch!
Thanks, Kathy
Hmmm....I would have to say its a toss up between my Ott Light, which totally helps me stitch LONGER, and my QSnaps which make everything nice and tight to stitch on!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stitching places are (1) my back working table with all my stuff around me....lots of LK stuff in my boxes (my attempt to be organized) to stitch. Then I have a sunroom off my living room where I just put a comfy swivel rocker in the corner with my stitching lamp. I haven't had time to do an extended stitch there but the short time I used it yesterday turned out well.
ReplyDeleteAlso, one of my favorite stitching utensils besides John James petite needles and my favorite scissors is a small circular plastic box with a lid. My father-in-law gave it to me when I was stitching at his house one day and I've used it ever since. I think that a roll of some type of film came in it at one time. When we were cleaning out his house after he passed, I found another one which is my back-up in case something happens to the first one.
I love tuffets and I have a whole basket of them in my sunroom to look at while I stitch.
Thanks for the generous giveaway. I love your designs, they make me happy! My favorite place to stitch is on my bed while watching TV. The only challenge is when my two labradors want to sit on my threads and pattern. That makes it hard to stitch. My favorite tools are my good light and my scissors on a beautiful beaded chain. I would love to have one of your calculators as I share my small one with my in my quilting tools.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
I'd love to enter! My favorite place to stitch is in the living room - where I can listen to TV if I want to stitch, and watch tv if I want to FROG! :) My favorite "tool" is actually a scrapbooking product. I bought a wheeled cart with 6 large plastic compartments meant to hold large scrapbook paper. I use it to keep my projects in, so everything I need for that project is contained in it's own project box. Just grab and go!
ReplyDeleteThanks for offering the calculators!
My favourite place to stitch in the livingroom in my very comfy lazy boy recliner, often with the tv on in the background. I also stitch at work on break and while my sons are at trampoline lessons. I think your calculators are cool, I often use a calculator at work for drug calculations (I'm an NICU nurse). Love your patterns, enjoy your blog, keep up the excellent work.
Like so many others, I stitch in the family room with my feet on an ottoman. My must have is a small leather buddy case which neatly holds all my stitching accoutrements - needles, 2-3 pair of sharp scissors (at least one matches the color of the case and one is a preemie), star detailer, and frogger, One side is magnetized so thing stay put and when Im ready to clean up a bit it neatly closes with a snap.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win the calculator - which I would use all the time to calculate the size of the fabric for each and every project,
Love your stitching chair! When I stitch I sit at one end of my sofa that has a large end table next to it with all my stitching goodies (lamp, scissors, threads, etc.) I also put my feet up on the coffee table! I know my mother always yelled at us for doing this, but it is my house and I paid for it so I think I am entitled to putting my feet on it. LOL!
I saw one of your calculators on the fabric cutting table at my mother's LNS many years ago. Needless to say, I have always wanted one. Please enter me in the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMy stitching place is in an oversized recliner with my Ott Lite floor lamp behind the chair and shining over my left shoulder. I have a table next to me with a basket to hold my scissors, stitcher's lotion and whatever else I throw in there. My little chihauhau Pickles is my constant companion, watching my every move.
Thank you so much for your designs, I have been stitching them for at least fourteen years. They truly make me smile!
Amy Varnell-Miller
My fav stitching place is the left side of the sofa, so comfy and all my stitching near.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your first giveaway
Helle !!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to stitch is in my sofa, near a wonderful lamp for the evening stitching ! next ma table and my box with my stitching inside.
Thanks for your giveaway
Fun calculator! Love the color.
ReplyDeleteMy stitch niche? Just sitting on the couch next to a good light. I have an antique ironstone dish that holds my cut ends of threads and a little table next to the couch that holds that odds and ends that I think I may need to look at when I need a break from stitching.
I sit in the living room in my lazy boy chair feet up with my dazor light magnifier. That is my most used accessory. I worked in a cross stitch shop years ago and worked months to earn enough to get it. I couldn't stitch without it. I always have a drink of some sort. I have favorite scissors and pincushions. I have a thing hanging over my chair to throw my scraps of threads....
ReplyDeletePat Matejcek
I have a super comfy chair and a half that everyone in the house knows is MY chair. It has wide, square arms which are perfect for placing charts, scissors and threads on. There is a side table to the right where I keep my light, ort cup and beverage, and my coffee table in front for my feet to rest upon. It's my favourite place in the whole house.
I have to say first, stitching is my passion so everywhere I go I take a tote filled with stitching necessities. At home I stitch at the kitchen table so the dogs can go outside as often as they like. I have a basket filled with goodies but I consider my plastic sponge thingy to be the most valuable. I just have tell you I love your designs. Thanks for all designs!
I'm a mobile stitcher. As long as I have a project bag or basket with chart, fabric, floss, several needles (I always lose at least one), snippet catcher, scissors, peanut M&Ms, diet pepsi (to cancel out the calories of the M&Ms), cell phone if stitching outdoors, and/or Ott light if indoors, I'm ready for any chair or location I happen land.
My favorite stitching place is my green recliner, just like you, I stitch with my feet up! My favorite tool has to be my scissors that I've had for decades! I love the bright green color of the calculators! It is such a very cool color! If my number is chosen, please grant me an extension through 9-5-11 to respond, as I'll be on a stitching cruise to Alaska 48 hours after your drawing! Don't think I'll have computer access and I'd hate to miss out on winning.
ReplyDeleteWhat a generous treat for all your fans.
Margaret K.
I have a brand new stitching place....an entire room all to myself! At the moment I have an old singer sewing machine sitting in there with a bunch of boxes of stitching stash. I usually stitch at the kitchen table, but now I will have a whole room to play in! My favorite stitching tool would have to be my scissors, they were a gift from a friend and they were also my first pair of REAL Ginghers. I'd love to enter your drawing...love the color of those calculators!! Thanks for all your designs, I love them all!
My "happy place" is stitching on my comfy sofa! I can't live without my little blue carry-all, called the bucket at Keepsakes. It holds my snipets, scissors, magnifier, threader, pencils, highlighters, and the little Star De-tailor. I also love my stand and magnet board that rests on the arm of the sofa. I love to stitch, so if there is a chair and light, I could make myself at home. Thanks for the giveaway, and all your wonderful designs! My house is full of L/K designs on the wall. I can't wait to start the 6 fat snowmen as one piece!
I stitch on my bed or chair in my bedroom. I am in the middle preparing redecorating my room and I am hoping to get a chair in the room. I am still figuring what to do, to get rid of and buy new stuff. I love your designs and looking forward to the snowmen designs.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to leave my email address. I am sorry
my favourite place to stitch is my seat with my light behind me .....my cat on my feet, the tea on the side table .....and then I can stitch the whole evening
Those calculators are so cool and in my favorite color green :-) I still use calculators faithfully and would love to win one of these! I love, love, love Lizzie Kate designs and have quite a few :-)
ReplyDeleteI like sitting in the family room in my favorite chair in the recline position lol. With my lamp shinning my work I also us a q-snap and love it. Please enter me in your giveaway. Lizzie Kate designs are simply amazing I have a very small collection and have stitch several. :}
My stitching place is my sofa,in front of tv ( movie or tv series)with my ikea NOT Lamp my cat lying in my arms, my cross stitch chart on him my scissor with scissorfob ( so i can't lost it) close to me my project, paper towels,a bottle of sparkling water and a glass, wood hoop and remote control!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this nice contest!I order from casacenina one of your latest charts (christmas) yesterday so i can't wait to receive and start a project!!my email elenamac@gmail.com
Elena in italy
Oh I need one of those calculators!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy spot is also an overstuffed chair in the corner of our living room…I need to look for a basket to keep my clutter in! Great idea. I also have a large ottoman to put my feet up on AND it also has storage –packed with stash. I have a magnifier over my shoulder for those difficult times. I keep my current floss on a large ring in baggies. Keeps the thread from twisting. Favorite tool is my petite needles! Love stitching with them…
My stitching spot is usually anywhere when we're watching a movie together. I love your designs and can't wait to get the new snowmen! Thanks! Kim at krmiller@wideopenwest.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for offering this giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI use a small hand held calculator almost everyday & 'would certainly enjoy one in luscious slime green!
My stitch niche can be in any room (or porch) of the house because my favorite stitching aid is my verilux floor lamp. It is easy to move around & I love the versatility of it being at my left or right, etc...
I have especially enjoyed your behind the scenes looks at the pattern production process you have been featuring on your blog this summer.
Cathlyn in Arizona
Elizabeth says...I luv to stitch only LizzieKate Designs on my sun porch with the sunlight coming in through the skylights and with my two dogs beside me in my recliner, we have alot of fun!!Just luv the calculators!!
My stitching spot is usually on the couch. Have to have 3 pair of scissors out, I misplace them. Along with needles, in the arm of the couch. janelnnn@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI like to stitch in my overstuffed chair in the tv room.. also in the car if I am traveling a distance! Fun giveaway!
My stitching spot is in a small spare bedroom. I have a comfy chair that my mom gave me, my 30 year old Dazor lamp with magnifyer that I couldn't do without and my Gazelle stitching stand. There are lots of stitching tools and scissors on my table. All my fabric,threads, charts and misc. supplies are stored in the closet. I have a collection of baskets that I store projects in as well. I love my little room and I spend as much time in there as I can. I would love to win that cute green calculator. Phyllis
I would like to enter.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to stitch or now to crochet,because it is my new hobby.Fresh love...:))...is our bedroom in our bed.It is a little bit crazy ,but most of the time I have time for my hobby just in the evenings,when I finished work and the children are in bed.At the moment my favorite tool is my crochet needle,but when I stitch it is my stitching frame.
My e-mail is:betikarauski@gmail.com
Thank you for the game.:)
How cute are these??? My favorite place to stitch is in our living room sitting in my "stitching chair" everyone else is afraid to sit here for fear of sitting on a dropped needle. LOL Love the new snowmen hun; just picked them up the other day and can't wait to get started..
ReplyDeleteHugs, Shar
My stitching spot is the left end of couch. I have my comfy footstool, overhead lamp and end table which is covered in tons of stitchy goodies. Love to put on a movie and stitch the day away.
ReplyDeleteSarah who is anxiously awaiting your new snowmen patterns
auntiesarah1972 at yahoo.com
I stitch sitting at the right hand side of the sofa. I have a small table next to me to hold all my bits and pieces, the table is known as 'mums sewing table' and everyone knows that there is absolutely no food or drink to be placed on the table!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on reaching your first blog birthday :-) and thanks for the chance to win.
sleepback @ yahoo . co . uk
My super spot to stitch is in my computer room where all my necessary stitching supplies are too. I have my magnifying light which I can't live without. I'm very fond of your wonderful designs and look forward to be added to the giveaway list...Barbara at dsturtz@rochester.rr.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite stitch niche is in my bed with the TV and lap tray. I use a small wicker basket to keep my tools at hand such as scissors, needle jar, thread jar, needle threader and floss. I also have a kitty snuggler too who keeps count of the many snipped threads that go in the jar.
My stitching places are comfortable chair next to the radio + another chair as a table :) or sofa next to the tv + small table.
ReplyDeleteBut I especially like stitching on the train; usually 5 hours without anything else to do :)
Satu from Finland
satusanna AT hotmail.com
P.S. I agree that the calculator would be much more convenient than a mobile phone calculator :)
My favorite place to stitch is anywhere I can get comfortable without all 4 of my cats and my two dogs. I love my scissor fobs the best because before them my cats would run with my scissors.. And my trusty thread picker on those froggy days.. I just love coming here and reading all the sneak peaks..
ReplyDeleteTeri from Homestead, Fl
As far as my favourite stitching item... it would have to be without a doubt, my OTT lite (especially as the years go by!) I even have an extra one on hand just in case :^) It sits right next to my wing-back stitching chair along with all my other stitching "necessities". Thanks for a chance at your giveaway- love the lime green colour!
My favourite place to stitch has got to be my bed. I live in a tiny little home...with a tiny little bedroom. Basically our bed takes up most of the space. I have enough space for a tiny little bookshelf and a tv. During our long, cold winters here in the north, our bedroom seems to be the comfy haven for the entire family (seriously people, there is the rest of the house to congregate in). Hubby, 2 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. Fortunately they leave me enough space to plump up the pillows and put my stitching stuff around me. I have my threads, my scissors sitting on the little bookshelf, my pattern usually ends up under the pillow, my legs go numb depending on how much room I'm left. Yeah, it's a good scene.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I'm alone in my stitching, and I'll throw in a dvd of Murder She Wrote or Bones to stitch along with. Sometimes I have the whole family in there watching a movie while I stitch. Seriously people, there is a tv in the living room!
Thanks for the chance. YukonViv (at) moose-mail.com
Who wouldn't want a slime green calculator? It should be a must for everyone's stitching niche!My favorite place to stitch is sitting in my recliner while watching TV. A "must" for me would be q-snap stitching frames...they sure do help hold the Aida cloth in place!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing how a design goes from an idea to our stash! We really do appreciate all the hard work everyone does for us!
My favorite place to stitch is my bonus room. I can spread out and stitch away. Lizzie Kate designs are my favorite. I have many that I have completed and many that are in process. Unfortunately, my local cross stitch shop here in North Carolina recently closed. However, I have found one in South Carolina. My sister and I plan to make a "cross stitch" road trip very soon. Thanks you and keep on designing.
my stitching corner is just whichever room i decide to sit lol summer - conservatory so i can watch the birds in the garden, winter - in front of the tv. my must haves - are my floor standing lamp with magnifier and of course my latest purchase - scissors ( i always love my latest pair the best). Ive never thought of popping my latest stitching item on a tray so will be pinching that idea as I always just pop them back in my bagand then have to get everything out again. thanks for the giveaway. my email is kath.lang@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI guess I am still a nerd because I would be lost without my calculator !! I am always using it to help cutomers figure out what size fabric they need for their pieces. DH swears I would lose my mind if someone took off wtih it...lol
ReplyDeleteI have all of my threads organized in 15 quart boxes that I bought at Walmart (some thread companies have more than 1 box). They are in my walk in closet so they aren't exposed to any light.
I wish I could say that my stitching area was neat and tidy, but unfortunately, it is anything but.
I tell everyone that I keep my current cross stitche and stash all over my end table so I don't have to dust it =)
When DH and I bought new furniture a couple of years ago, we bought regular couch, one couch that has a console in the middle and a chair and a 1/2. I thought the chair would be my favorite stitching place because it was big enough to put all my goodies there with me, but it wasn't very comfortable, so I claimed one of the chairs and I keep my scissors and highlighter in the cup holder on the console.
My favorite stitching gadgets are definitely my daylight lamp (I can't stitch without it) and my ort bag. Ever since I got that, the kids aren't going to school with orts hanging from their clothes.
I just wish I could organize my stash as neatly as my dye cabinets are !!!
Aw...I know I'm now too late for this, but I had to comment anyway...I stitch in my favourite chair in the living room..ott lite beside me, collection of scissors, music stand to hold my chart...coaster for my water, or wine (white)....and calculators are not extinct!! I have to say...your cross-stitch designs, when I discovered them many years ago opened up a whole new life for me cross-stitch wise...I love them!!
ReplyDeleteTake care...thanks for letting me post this anyway...
I think I am to late for this giveaway but just wanted to say that I love stitching Lizzie Kate Designs. My favorite place to stitch is in my family room in my recliner with my floor lamp and a glass of tea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the amazing giveaway.
Keep designing I love them.