The countdown to market is on and we're finishing up our last 2 NEW KITS for the big needlework party in Nashville. Check out our other new kit, Love Summer, in the previous post.
I'm feeling very patriotic this year...thankful for the wonderful country I live in (despite the annoying political buzz surrounding me) and all the blessings and opportunities I have daily.
So I decided to celebrate a new year with a new patriotic design. I began with a long wavy flag and worked a design around beautiful red, white and blue hues. Hence, the name of this kit!

Red White and Blue Kit (K89)
I got a little carried away with lots of fun finishing goodies, and decided to include them all so you could enjoy them, too. Here's a list of all the goodies included in the Red White and Blue Kit. Everything is also pictured below.
* 32 ct. Lambswool linen
* Deep sea houndstooth wool
* Navy/cream cotton backing fabric
* Red/white stripe ribbon
* Round mother-of-pearl button
* Iridescent white beads
* Jute for cording
* Complete finishing instructions from our finishing guru, Mona
It was a busy weekend assembling kits. Actually, the really time consuming part is prepping all the components for a kit...cutting/folding linen, cutting/folding/ironing cotton backing, cutting ribbon, sacking get the idea. Actually assembling them is like the reward for all the busy work.
And after a long weekend, the trunk of our car looks like picture above. And that's just one trunk load of many trips to/fro the L*K office and home. Who wants to spend the weekend at the office when you can work from home, and and enjoy the company of friends and a great basketball game?! Most people clean up their homes when company visits, but our pals are used to the L*K routine. They keep asking "when do you guys leave for market?"
Ready for some Red White and Blue at your house? Contact your fave needlework shop and ask them to pre-order NOW. We'll be releasing Red White and Blue officially on March 5. It will be available in shops everywhere soon after.
But just so you don't think we are all work and no play, here's a pic of us riding a nearby rails-to-trails conversion. I literally took my new knee for a spin! We have had the strangest winter, with temps reaching near 80 degrees last week. We basked in the gorgeous 60s temps on our Saturday ride between 2 little towns west of Wichita. It was just us, the grazing cows, a few horses and goats along the way, greening winter wheat and beautiful sunshine. Even better, no slimy snakes slithered across my path, the absence of which always makes me happy. A snake on the path is so alarming to me, my shriek is usually delayed until after I roll by the unwanted wildlife.

One more NEW KIT info coming later this week. Check back soon tosee our new super fun Selfie Sampler.
I just got A little coffee, a little snow and a little luck....can't wait for this one too!!!! This one is perfect!