We have a new "super hero" at L*K world headquarters. I'm calling him Magneto-Dot Man, but you know him as Alan, aka Mr. Lizzie Kate. He left his cape at home today, but he's still my super hero.

We're super busy assembling NOEL Limited Edition Kits - one of 2 last minute kits for 2016 that are shipping to shops everywhere this week.

In addition to all the regular kit goodies, NOEL kits include a Limited Edition Needle Nanny. We used our 2016 Snippet Santa, and he's pretty darn cute - in "dot" form.

We worked with the dot experts at Quilt Dots to create these amazing magnetic Needle Nannies. Each Needle Nanny incorporate 2 very strong Rare Earth magnets. The magnetic surface acts as a needle minder to keep your needles and your scissors firmly (and I mean, FIRMLY) in place while you stitch.
Back to our Magneto Dot Man story...we add a Limited Edition Needle Nanny to each kit. Below is our stellar helper, Carmen, assembling the kits (without Needle Nannies). There's stitching fabric, 2 finishing fabrics, rick rack, embellishment pack, pretty cover and graph.

Did I mention these magnets are SUPER STRONG? The dot whizzes at Quilt Dots told us this, and sent us some helpful tips for working with hundreds of strong magnets.
The Santa Needle Nannies arrived on thin metal sheets - see top of photo below. Then there were also neat towers of magnet backs wrapped in tissue - left below.

When we unwrap the magnet towers, they have little white spacers in between each magnet. Without that, we would have a helpless magnetic mess on our hands!
Alan picks up a magnet front (with Santa's smiling face), holds it on front of our insert (below)

Then firmly slides a magnet off the magnet tower. These things are so strong, you can't easily lift it off...sliding works the best. Then he gets it near the back of the insert and ZING...it hops into place!

Then Magneto Dot Man spaces these Needle Nannies to cover our fabric cutting board. If you put them too close to each other, they just jump and stick. Actually, our cutting table is a piece of plywood on some metal stands. These magnets move around a bit as they attract to the metal table legs...believe it!
When the cutting board is full, he adds one Needle Nanny to each kit. As photo above shows, he alternates putting them on right and left bottom of each kit. You guessed it - the kits like to magnetize to each other (right through multiple layers of fabric and paper!), so this helps.

Then our NOEL Limited Edition Kits are ready to ship!
Need a little needle magic in your stocking this year? Contact your favorite needlework supplier to order K93 NOEL Limited Edition kits. When these Santa Needle Nannies are gone, they're gone - back to the North Pole, I suppose!

We have 3 other newbies coming this week, including our O Christmas Tree Kit.
Scroll back to previous blog posts for the other 2 new L*K designs coming SOON!
Wishing you all lots of holiday merriness!!
I adore your patterns and the needle magnets are fantastic! Can't wait to order the pattern.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited these are shipping out! I pre-ordered a kit a couple of weeks ago and am so looking forward to it arriving and using that darling Santa Needle Nanny!
ReplyDeleteSuch cute creations for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteSuch cute creations for the holidays!