We did the cemetary decorating last night with my Mom, and we're headed off for a short family visit tomorrow in nearby Lyons to visit their beautiful, historic, small town cemetary. Yes, I do love poking around the pretty old place and it's a good excuse to get some family together! And my niece has a little toddler (city boy from KC) who can't wait to see all that farm equipment...up close and personal!
I want to share some updated info on the TINGLES! Our new Double Flip series just released last week, and lots of you are merrily stitching your way through the first parts...the remainder of the Tingles will be available in July. Inquiring minds want to know!
Want to add a little more "tingle" to your Tingles? We've been working with the creative gals at Just Another Button Company to make a fun tingles button pack.

It's a set of 20 little buttons...perfectly color coordinated to match the Tingles. They're not meant to replace the olive and black buttons that come with the Tingles. These little gems are an optional tingly addition! Some of them replace little stitched elements, and some buttons just add more funky fun! There's an awesome button placement graph from JABCO with clear instructions. We'll post it to our website soon.
Contact your fave needlework shop to order. We'll be shipping our first batch (hot out of the button oven) on Monday, June 2.
We love it when stitchers customize our designs and choose alternative fabrics! Several speedy stitchers have sent us pics of their Tingles, using beautiful overdyed fabrics from Picture This Plus. This pic is using Cauldron linen, and another stitcher is using Fossil Linen. Both are fun, spooky colors that really make our Tingles tingle! I suspect the ladies at Picture This Plus are going to be busy dyeing these great colors.

Finally...we've had several stitchers contact us directly to "solve" the Tingles greeting puzzle? Have you found the hidden message in the series yet? Leave us a comment with your guess!

Wishing all of you a wonderful, relaxing, safe holiday weekend...and hopefully some time for your favorite cross stitch projects. I know I'll be bringing home another batch of my favorite farm-fresh eggs from my family farm trip tomorrow. Thanks in advance to my favorite free range chickens!
Is the mystery phrase Ghoul Tidings?
ReplyDeleteWith those gorgeous eggs, you need to read a great new book called Under the Egg by Laura Marx Fitzgerald. It's really a children's book, but the girl is 13 and has chickens in the back yard in New York City! I promise even adults will like it and it's NOT about the chickens...no yolk!
ReplyDeleteI think the mystery phrase is Ghoul Tidings :) Cute!