Thursday, February 21, 2013

Belle of the (snow) ball!

Yep, that would be ME!!! We are buried in snow here in the Land of Oz today, and we're lovin' it!!!! Pic below is our little waterfall (still flowing) in the backyard, just outside our kitchen door.

After 2 years of terrible, demoralizing drought, and a zillion un-fulfilled weather forecasts for precipitation, we're happy to get moisture of any kind!  Yes, the weather persons have been forecasting this winter storm for several days (with great glee and anticipation)...but who knew it would actually happen?!!

The fun began yesterday morning and it's still coming down. We've had snow, sleet, thunder sleet, and every other meteorological term for wet stuff, but we're grateful! Thankfully we work at home, and we're able to clear a path to the office. Actually that's the "royal we". which actually means my husband, Alan. Here he is, creating a path from the garage to the L*K door. Check out the snow on my planter!

And I don't think I'm going anywhere in my Mini Cooper for a while! It's temporarily buried in the driveway.

Why, you ask, don't we have a snow blower? The answer is simple, really. REAL Kansans don't own snowblowers!!! We rarely get enough snow to count, and we send our hearty souls outside to clear the fluffy stuff...when we have it!  I think Alan is gazing at our giant driveway in the photo below, remembering that he already cleared 8-10" off yesterday and's BACK!!!!

Sorry, friends. I won't be having anyone over today for tea on the patio. We could have sat out there in comfort only a couple days ago.

Meanwhile, life goes on at Lizzie*Kate, and we're just a short week away from driving to Nashville Market. We have too many lists to count, and a serious buildup of new kits. Today we'll pack these into boxes for the trek across country. I spent a beautiful day and evening working on these yesterday, fonding gazing at the beautiful falling snow.

Today we're expecting a giant shipment of beautiful Crescent Colour threads, so I hope the US Mail really does go through...rain, sleet, wintry mix, and all of that!

We'll be putting these in an exciting new kit that we think you're gonna love!!  It's a big design in the style of our popular ABC Kits. It's a very cool saying...sweet, sentimental, funny..full of family and love. Stay tuned...and stay warm!


  1. That's a lot of snow!!! Ha, I like the pic of Dad contemplating the driveway... :)

  2. That's a lot of snow! Here in Michigan I can still see the grass. We don't have a you enjoy that white stuff as much as you can! LOL

  3. cara lizzie pure qui siamo sommersi dalla neve...dove?bologna italy la patria delle lasagne e tortellini...buon lavoro.....cinzia...e godetevi la neve comunque è un bellissimo spettacolo della natura
