Spring has sprung in my yard! Every year I'm excited...same flowers, same blooming bushes and I'm crazy excited every spring to see them open their smiley faces.

It seems a little early to me, but who's arguing with flowers before the Easter bunny arrives? Having everything greening makes better hiding places for the eggs. As we prepare to move soon, every time a holiday passes I think..."sigh...the last Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter/etc. in our old house" and so it goes.

Here's the view out my 2nd story office window. The neighbor's pear tree is gorgeous this spring (for the last time...sigh).

I've been busy in my little L*K studio even with all the spring distraction, so here's the new batch of fresh designs!

#170 How To Be a Mean Mother
I found this saying when my kids were young (back in the day) and I ran across it again recently. I did some editing and updating, and it's ready to go again! Good parenting never goes our of style...right?

S118 Collect Moments Snippet
Flora's been busy again, creating another little vintage-style masterpiece.
There are 2 designs squeezed into this Snippet... a little square (perfect for a pin pillow or lots of finishing options), and a matching fob.

K79 A Little Wedding Kit
You asked for it... another Little kit to add to our Little Kit collection. This is
the quickest, sweetest wedding/anniversary chart you'll ever stitch... and it's
personalized! Kit includes 32 ct. lambswool linen and antique gold key charm.
The main design is stitched over 2 threads, but the personalization is done over
one thread so ANY names will fit in the space.

F151 Today Choose Joy 3 Little Words Flip-it
F152 Never Give Up 3 Little Words Flip-it
Our Flip-it series continues with more 3 Little Word wisdom. Stitch them all
together, or choose your favorite 3 Little Words to create your own personalized
stitchery. Stay tuned for our upcoming online contest to submit your favorite 3
Little Words. We'll vote and the winning sayings will be graphed and posted FREE
on the L*K website.
Need some new spring releases in your life? Contact your fave needlework shop and make sure they're ordering the newbies from L*K!
We're shipping to shops on Monday, April 6. We moved up our shipment to make time for a "spring break" visit from our daughter, Sarah. She teaches high school in downtown Chicago and their spring break is SO late - the week following Easter. Whatever/whenever...we're excited to have her in Kansas for a few days...visiting our new "still in progress" house, seeing our new L*K office (already re-located), visiting her sis in KC, and generally relaxing and having fun together!
I hope it's springtime wherever you are. If not, THINK spring!